Once visitors land on your site, they can read your blog, buy your products (or affiliate products) and join your list.
Indeed, building a list should be one of your primary goals. That's because if you send your article visitors directly to a sales page (even if it's your own), then the vast majority of these visitors will leave the page without buying anything. And most of these visitors won't even remember to come back.
However, if you get these people on your newsletter list, then you can follow up with them again and again. Not only does this allow you to build a relationship with your subscribers, it also gives you the opportunity to pitch a variety of other products and services.
Fortunately, building a relationship with your subscribers is all about content. Thus creating an autoresponder series is just one more tool you have in your content-marketing toolkit. And you'll learn exactly how to use your autoresponder in this lesson and the next, so read on...
Your First Step...
Before you decide what sort of content you're going to offer to your subscribers, you need to first think about how your subscribers will end up on your squeeze page (AKA newsletter subscription page). For example, are they coming in from links on your other content, such as articles in article directories or even on your own blog?
If so, you'll want to offer them something that's very similar to what they just finished reading. Point being, if they were interested enough in your article to click on your signature file, then they're going to be most interested in content that's tightly related to the original article.
One of the best ways to do this is to offer a "Part 2″ of an article via your autoresponder. For example, if the person just read "How to Rebuild a Carburetor, Part 1″ via one of your guest blogging articles, then you can offer Part 2 in this series via autoresponder.
While this tends to be the most compelling way to encourage someone to join your list, there is of course a downside. Namely, you'd need to create separate lists for every multi-part article series you create. You probably don't want to do that. So what you need to do instead is offer a general report or ecourse on the topic.
For example, the people who read the "How to Rebuild a Carburetor" article would probably be interested in an entire report about how to restore the engine of a classic car. So you could offer this report as a freebie to those who join your list.
Now, while offering a free report or video is the typical "bribe" to get people on your list, I want you to consider offering your freebie in the form of a multi-part autoresponder series (AKA ecourse). So instead of offering, for example, a free ten-page report, you can break the report into ten lessons and deliver them by autoresponder.
Here's why: People who subscribe to lists for free ebooks often unsubscribe as soon as they download their freebie. Others just give you their "throwaway" addresses that they never check. Thus they'll never see your emails.
When you offer the content via an autoresponder, people stay subscribed because they want to read your emails. Indeed, you're training them to read their emails. And that gives you a chance to build a relationship and close more sales.
Here's what I want you to do...
Get started by getting an account at a reliable autoresponder service such as AutoresponderAce.com, Aweber.com or GetResponse.com. Then next time you'll find out how to stock your new autoresponder with good content!
Indeed, building a list should be one of your primary goals. That's because if you send your article visitors directly to a sales page (even if it's your own), then the vast majority of these visitors will leave the page without buying anything. And most of these visitors won't even remember to come back.
However, if you get these people on your newsletter list, then you can follow up with them again and again. Not only does this allow you to build a relationship with your subscribers, it also gives you the opportunity to pitch a variety of other products and services.
Fortunately, building a relationship with your subscribers is all about content. Thus creating an autoresponder series is just one more tool you have in your content-marketing toolkit. And you'll learn exactly how to use your autoresponder in this lesson and the next, so read on...
Your First Step...
Before you decide what sort of content you're going to offer to your subscribers, you need to first think about how your subscribers will end up on your squeeze page (AKA newsletter subscription page). For example, are they coming in from links on your other content, such as articles in article directories or even on your own blog?
If so, you'll want to offer them something that's very similar to what they just finished reading. Point being, if they were interested enough in your article to click on your signature file, then they're going to be most interested in content that's tightly related to the original article.
One of the best ways to do this is to offer a "Part 2″ of an article via your autoresponder. For example, if the person just read "How to Rebuild a Carburetor, Part 1″ via one of your guest blogging articles, then you can offer Part 2 in this series via autoresponder.
While this tends to be the most compelling way to encourage someone to join your list, there is of course a downside. Namely, you'd need to create separate lists for every multi-part article series you create. You probably don't want to do that. So what you need to do instead is offer a general report or ecourse on the topic.
For example, the people who read the "How to Rebuild a Carburetor" article would probably be interested in an entire report about how to restore the engine of a classic car. So you could offer this report as a freebie to those who join your list.
Now, while offering a free report or video is the typical "bribe" to get people on your list, I want you to consider offering your freebie in the form of a multi-part autoresponder series (AKA ecourse). So instead of offering, for example, a free ten-page report, you can break the report into ten lessons and deliver them by autoresponder.
Here's why: People who subscribe to lists for free ebooks often unsubscribe as soon as they download their freebie. Others just give you their "throwaway" addresses that they never check. Thus they'll never see your emails.
When you offer the content via an autoresponder, people stay subscribed because they want to read your emails. Indeed, you're training them to read their emails. And that gives you a chance to build a relationship and close more sales.
Here's what I want you to do...
Get started by getting an account at a reliable autoresponder service such as AutoresponderAce.com, Aweber.com or GetResponse.com. Then next time you'll find out how to stock your new autoresponder with good content!
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