5 Characteristics of a Successful Network Marketer
Lucy Bieri
Becoming a network marketer requires having an excellent combination of knowledge and skill. You will need extensive business knowledge. If you do not have existing business knowledge, you will need to get training in order to learn it. Business knowledge is a key part of network marketing. You cannot generate leads for a business if you have no real understanding of how a business is put together, the rules and regulations, the tax implications and the processes of advertising, marketing and selling. The more in-depth knowledge you have, the more successful you will become. Marketing and selling is the other two areas of which you will need a really thorough understanding and practical application experience.
To succeed as a successful network marketer, you will need to engage in a lot of training, you will need to have money to invest and the time to learn. Becoming a network marketer is about much more than just selling to your vast circles of friends and family by word of mouth. It is about having knowledge and applying it. People who want that knowledge will only join you and pay you, if they feel they can trust you, they like you, and you really can deliver the leads; then they will recommend you and your business will grow. A successful marketer is a people person. If you are not, do not go any further, this is not the job for you. Being interested in and wanting to help others is a key part of the job. Believing in, and using the service or product, that you are going to help market yourself, is also essential.
There are five traits which all of the high earning marketers have. You may already possess some of them; but even if you don\'t, the good news is that all of them are obtainable with training. To be successful, you need to perform more than just pay lip service to these areas, because they are keys to either doing badly or earning a high salary.
- 1. How to Speak So People Listen
The major problem for any person wanting to become a network marketer is the lack of proper communication skills; only a few are blessed with it. What works for one generation does not work for the next. You have to be able to adapt, to tailor to your audience and make it all personal and relevant. Do not rely on technology, each generation has its own view on it and if you have to resort to it, then you cannot communicate clearly.
If you want to engage your audience, speak clearly and fluently. Peppering your speech with filler words (umm, ahh, uhh etc) make your audience think - boring! In the same way, if your audience cannot hear you, they will ignore you. While talking project your voice, vary how you speak, emphasize some words, use tone and body language and the most important thing is to use some humor if you can, not with childish jokes, but present it in a funny way.
Learn how to listen, if you cannot listen to what others say and respond meaningfully, why should they listen to you? Speaking so that people pay attention is a skill that can be learnt, if you are not able to speak in a way that grabs attention, you will have to learn how, because you will need it. If you cannot even get your own message across, how are you going to sell your customers message?
- 2. The Power of Persuasion: Mastering Emotional Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence is all about learning how to harness your own feelings and reactions, knowing how and why you react the way you do to different situations is the start of controlling and improving yourself. Then you can learn how to help others. With Emotional Intelligence, comes the power to motivate and generate creativity. Everything we do is based on instinct, and all of our actions are based on emotional feelings. When you control and understand your response, and can empathize and work with other people effectively, you will be on your way to becoming a network marketer who is in demand. To persuade another person, you need understand their response and have an answer as to why yours is better.
In order to persuade that your services or product is the best, you will have to master Emotional Intelligence. Again you can get training on how best to do this.
- 3. Overcoming Fear of Rejection
The single biggest stumbling block to achieving your dream of becoming a network marketer is the fear of rejection. It can stop you from being sincere and make you fail to give a good impression. The fear of rejection can even paralyze you and make you so nervous, that you stutter.
If you fear rejection, you may well end up not even trying to reach out. Your career will be a very short one. So what to do about it?
Think about it carefully, what is the consequence of being rejected? Your sense of self worth and some doubt might kick in, and if you were to meet the person who rejected you, you might be embarrassed. If you are rejected in person, it might feel like a personal attack.
Put the boot on the other foot; think about it from the other people\'s perspective, there may be many reasons as to why they rejected you and you as a person are probably very low on that list. You could have approached the wrong person, they might have had a bad day, you caught them off guard and they were still thinking about something else.
If they reject you as a person, you will not establish the relationship you will need, so you have not wasted your time in trying to do so.
Now consider what will happen if they do not reject you. If you don\'t try, you will never succeed and you will never know if you would have gained that really valuable contact which lead to another and then to another. You will be rejected at some point and it usually is not personal.
- 4. The Importance of Perseverance
Perseverance can be really hard to maintain, but you will not build up a clientele and a thriving high flying career by sitting back and not working hard. You will have to keep working, your clients will come and go, you will need to keep building and maintaining your business, and you will have to believe that you can succeed. Sometimes you will be rejected, things will go wrong in the beginning, you will be confronted by numerous difficulties; it may seem that you have an uphill struggle and will it really be worth all that hassle? The answer is yes, it will. If you give up, you will have wasted everything you have done, and your self-esteem may never recover.
Keep going and you will learn that you can attain what you set out to do. Good things in life come to those who put in time and effort. If you really wish to become a network marketer, you will have to persevere even when you would rather give up, but you will reap what you sow, so if you do not work, you will not get paid and your clients will go somewhere else to someone who is prepared to work hard.
- 5. Being a Lifetime Learner
Being a lifetime learner is the final trait to becoming a network marketer. It means that you keep adding knowledge. You will need to keep up to date with legislation, with trends in marketing and selling, with what your clients want, and with day to day events. Technology is always generating new ideas and new social interaction methods. Businesses have to develop, adapt, move with the trends and understand how changes in daily life affect them. In just five years, the skills you have may be out of date, unless you keep learning and for someone who wishes to become a network marketer, that will cost you business. Never stop learning, do not dismiss trends, many just get re-invented, or re-used in a new way. Others are the way that things will evolve towards.
Having looked at the list, see what you will need to do to achieve your dream of becoming a network marketer; you will also realize that it will take time, money and effort. Patience and hard work, you will have to invest in quality training. You will need a thick skin, self-confidence and the ability to get out there and make it happen for yourself. No-one is going to hand you this on a gold plate. It can take up to five years to become a network marketer to whom others turn when they need help. Your reputation, honesty, knowledge and willingness to work hard, will impress. This is not a get rich quick scheme, if that is what you want, you will not achieve it as a marketer. If you have drive, passion and really believe in, and enjoy your work, it will be very satisfying and ultimately lead to a rich salary.
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/mlm-articles/5-characteristics-of-a-successful-network-marketer-5807970.html
About the Author
I\'m an Internet/ Network Marketer, Visit my site to learn more how to leverage the internet for your network marketing business. Work more active than passive.
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