Building Trust With Your Prospects and Making Real Connections - This Will Stuff Cash in Your Wallet
Trust is the hardest thing to build, especially online, and it is the easiest thing to lose!
Contrary to what some people might think there is a mystical connection between people when communicating online, this cannot be hidden or faked in a sales letter or any article or blog post. I will disclose some ways you can build trust in lightning speed!
VALUE... Giving value will change everything for you, I\'ve learned from actual experience. Your prospects know when you\'re hoodwinking them if you were to ever try and this comes across very distasteful.
Sharing your most held onto secret will not hurt you in any way. We sometimes get into the thinking that if we giveaway our best that nothing will be left for us, but this isn\'t the case. This is actually scarcity thinking and it\'s not the abundant mindset we need in order to receive wealth and financial break trough\'s in our lives.
Being a real person online is what it takes to connect with your target prospects. I learned this the hard way.
Not everyone is my target prospect so if some doesn\'t like me it matters little.
I used to make up silly stories trying to project being a guru or someone who makes tons of money online when this was FAR from the truth.
I used to make up silly stories trying to project being a guru or someone who makes tons of money online when this was FAR from the truth.
I was literally living in a basement apartment with little insects and critters popping up whenever they felt like.
Seriously, I didn\'t know how much people would resonate with me just being a real person sharing my real struggles and my real goals and the destination I\'m trying to reach.
Something as simple as this can change the game for you. It may seem like a huge leap at first but if you\'re not sure just try it for a month and see if the results are any better.
An example of this below
You are in the pet niche and you love learning about your pet cat, you have been researching this for about 3 months collecting valuable information about cats...
... You see the potential of making money so you create a following and build connections; you create a website and do some social networking.
By just being real with people about where you\'re at and what you want to accomplish it will resonate with the right people you want on your team, instead of coming out the gates acting like a guru in your niche.
This will build an instant foundation of trust and when you actually have a product to promote, they will be more responsive.
If you hang on long enough and make up your mind that this will work for you then eventually everything will start falling into place, so persevere!
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